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Sunday, 25 August 2013

Yogyakarta Tourism

yogyakarta driver ATOK
Yogyakarta and Central Java Province old maps

"A lush tropical landscape dotted with hundreds of archeological temples, including two UNESCO world heritage sites, Borobudur and Prambanan, this is a destination that leaves you spellbound. The grandeur and complexity of the temples has to be seen to be believed, and photography struggles to convey the depth. 

At a time when Europe was still in the dark ages, the “Central Javanese Period“ was building religious structures and art, now recognised as being the oldest and highest level of art within South East Asia

Central Javanese spirituality and artistic endeavour continues to exist side by side with mundanities of every day life."

So, based on my experience as a tour driver in Yogyakarta many years, and know about Java historical then our tour package allready set with efficient and also very attractive to foreign and domestic tourists. Please don't hesitate to contact me soon by send email to : aswoto69(at)gmail.com to make kind discussion for your travel plan to Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta tourism destinations that mostly visited :
- Borobudur temple (also mendut and pawon temple)
- Prambanan temple (also sewu temple)
- Plaosan temple (ancient budhist monastry)
- Ratu Boko temple
- Sambisari temple
- Sultan Palace
- Malioboro
- Sonobudoyo museum
- Watercastle Tamansari
- Mount Merapi tour with adventure jeep
- Pindul Cave Tubbing
- Indrayanti Beach

All of those destinations can be covered in 2 days

- For go to Dieng Plateau, tt take one different day than above destinations
- and for go to Solo (Sultan palace, Sukuh temple, Ceto temple) it take one different day also

"I really appreciate you as a guest of Yogyakarta, so if you agree to use our services in terms of transportation while in Yogyakarta, WE DO NOT require you to pay a deposit (down payment) as a sign confirmed that might you un-comfortable. I quite believe with your confirm letter (deal) as you wrote in your email that sent to me"

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