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Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Pangandaran Beach Tours


Pangandaran beach tours. Pangandaran beach was not just a beach with all its beauty, many nice hotel, nice panorama, beach games, but also has other tourist destination is also not less interesting are located around the Pangandaran beach : Green Canyon Pangandaran, Breeding Sea Turtles, and Shark Rocks.
Pangandaran beach tours. Go to pangandaran beach will need to stay at least one night, to cover all tour destinations at pangandaran beach with relax. Guest who started from yogyakarta to pangandaran, can go back to yogyakarta or continue go to Bandung for depart flight.

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In front of Nyiur Indah Beach Hotel, Pangandaran 

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East Coast of Pangandaran beach

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One of view Pangandaran beach

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pulling fishing nets activity in Pangandaran beach
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womans pulling fishing nets

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East Coast and West Coast of Pangandaran
>> the Green Canyon
Green Canyon is Pangandaran's number one attraction. It's a boating activity by green emerald river to a jungle look-alike and stop after 15 minutes sailing to hike into a gorgeous cave which connected to the estuary.
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Entering chamber of Green Canyon

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going to Green Canyon with traditional boat
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stone wall by the river

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Big Lizzard the edge of river to Green Canyon

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View from the boat going to Green Canyon

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Gate to Green Canyon, Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia

>> breeding of sea turtles.
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gate of breeding sea turtles at Pangandaran Beach

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baby sea turtles
>> Shark Rocks  (Batu Hiu)

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For those of you who want to enjoy the beach Pangandaran and second destinations around the beach, we made ​​a pangandaran tour package from yogyakarta as follows:

  • Yogyakarta departing from maximum at  8 AM and arrive arround 4-5 PM at Pangandaran see sunset
  • After check in hotel, free time
  • Next day, 7.30 AM start to Green Canyon and then to the sea turtle breeding (check out the hotel directly)
  • 12 AM start back to Yogyakarta, and arrive at Yogyakarta arround 9 PM
If you come from Bandung and leaving your driver, you can book us yogyakarta driver ATOK to continued your tour from pangandaran to yogyakarta and around. Please don't take too long to contact us at : aswoto69 (at) gmail.com to discuss your tour in bandung, pangandaran beach, and yogyakarta.

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