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Monday, 30 September 2013

Surakarta (Solo) Tour Package

Solo Tour Package. Solo (international name : Surakarta) has several interested place to visit. The most popular destination in Solo Indonesia tourism are : Sukuh Temple, Cetho Temple, Waterfall Cemoro Sewu, Mangkunegaran Palace, Kraton Solo (Solo Palace). Yogyakarta Driver ATOK and team will proudly to provide tour guide driver for you during you take trip to surakarta.

Solo driver guide. Trip to Surakarta (Solo City) need full day tour (from early morning until afternoon) because Yogyakarta - Solo takes 2 hours by car and Solo - temples takes 1.5 hours. I do recommend that you stay a night at Solo after Yogyakarta trip, so next day you can visit all destinations in Solo with relax - no rush hour to go back Yogyakarta. 

Solo driver guide. If you come from Singapore or Malaysia, there are flights singapore or malaysia to Solo Indonesia. Landed in the morning and take Solo Indonesia tour then you stay overnight in Solo. Second day you get travel to yogyakarta and around.
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stone relief "Iron weapon home industry"

a. Sukuh Temple
Sukuh temple, an unique temple explain human fertility with the art lover. When someone says a taboo, it really naif that says so. Besides, this temple is same popular in the art of lovemaking as a portrait of what is written in the book of Kamasutra. In this Sukuh temple area also there is a beautiful stone relief about economic activity at that time : iron home industry.

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Sukuh Temple

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Other angle view of Sukuh Temple
Sukuh temple built around the end of the glory days of Majapahit. Majapahit royal administrative center in the village Trowulan able to talk to this Sukuh. Borobudur temple, the Temple of Queen Boko, the kingdom of Demak was so from the glory of Majapahit. Borobudur temple when a religious ceremony, and temple Brahu was temple for cremation ash storage Hindus-Buddhists, but Sukuh temple we can say as the temple of fertility and temple art of lovemaking.

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ATOK - Yogya Tour Driver
There is still much to be investigated about the relationship of this temple to temple in other countries, such as India affiliated Sangsekerta posts in Kamasutra book and the building of the Maya in Central America. Try also consider building Inca culture in Peru. Sukuh impossible when there is no relation with the culture of other countries. How is it possible in countries very distant, to create buildings and ornaments erostis almost the same as in Sukuh?

b. Ceto Temple
Cetho temple was a Hindu temple relics patterned end of Majapahit era (15th century). The first scientific report about him made ​​by Van de Vlies in 1842. A.J. Bernet Kempers also do research about it. Excavation (trenching) for the purposes of reconstruction was first performed in 1928 by the Archaeological Department of the Dutch East Indies.

solo indonesia tour
turtle statue in Ceto Temple

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one of smal front temple - in Ceto temple complex
Under the circumstances when the rubble started to study, this temple has the age that does away with Sukuh temple. Location of the temple is located in the hamlet of Ceto temple, Gumeng Village, District Jenawi, Karanganyar. As a place of worship of Lord Shiva, the temple is decorated with statues phallusyang a symbol of Shiva. There is also a statue of Brawijaya V and his advisors and stone structure shaped phallus and yoni measuring two meters. Trapezoid-shaped main building is in the top terrace.

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as tour driver for mr. Setharaman Jayaraman, Mumbay, India at Ceto Temple (Sept 2013)

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ceto temple ticket (2014)
Solo tour driver. Before we arrive at Ceto Temple, we pass wide tea plantation that's very nice scenery. And in the corner of tea pantation there is a "house of tea" called NDORO DONGKER. That is really best place to enjoying tea plantation, rilex, fresh air, best tea to try (only tea - not milk tea), with old style house of tea.

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tea house "Ndoro Dongker"

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Kemuning tea plantation arround Ceto Temple

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Various kind of best tea
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tea brand - from tea plantation nearby Ceto temple

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kind of tea

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Ndoro Dongker - house of tea

kebun teh kemuning
view of tea house at tea plantation nearby Ceto temple

teh ndoro dongker
tea house : ndoro dongker

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tea house : ndoro dongker

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ATOK - Yogyakarta Guide and Driver
b. Mangkunegaran Palace
Istana (palace) Mangkunegaran is a well known palace in Solo or Surakarta besides Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat. Mangkunegaran sites are located at the center area of the city. From outside, this palace is hidden from a high wall that was built surround the palace. As we are walking into the palace from the entrance door we will find a giant traditional Javanese building which is called as “Pendapa”. Three sets of “gamelan” are arranged neatly inside the pendapa. Once in a week (Wednesday at 10 a.m.), there is a dance performance held in this Pendapa. Next to the pendapa visitor may look around the exhibition room in the main building where private collections from the previous kings are kept and exhibited. There are jewelries, photos, weapon, accessories, and more collections displayed inside this room. Next to the exhibition room visitor will be guided to the places inside the main building like palace garden and dining room and meeting room. The last place to go is a room placed at the east side of the palace, where all the Mangkunegaran’s carriages are kept and treated.

surakarta mangkunegaran palace
surakarta mangkunegaran palace

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mangkunegaran palace
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mangkunegaran palace - main building
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guest room at mangkunegaran palace

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mangkunegaran palace - front yard
solo indonesia tours
mangkunegaran palace - south gate

solo palace mangkunegaran ticket
solo palace mangkunegaran ticket (2014)
Istana Mangkunegaran (Mangkunegaran Palace) was built in 1757 by the first Mangkunegara or Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Mangkunegara I. The exact location of this palace is at Jalan Ronggo Warsito, Surakarta.

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with warm kind regards, ATOK
"I really appreciate you as a guest of Yogyakarta, so if you agree to use our services in terms of transportation while in Yogyakarta, we DO NOT require you to pay a deposit (down payment) as a sign confirmed that might you un-comfortable. I quite believe with your confirm letter (deal) as you wrote in your email that sent to me"

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