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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Travel Tips Communication Gadget

Yogyakarta travel tips : buy Indonesian SIM Card (data & top up prepaid), during your trip in Indonesia. Peter and friends are from Bratislava, Slowakia, and came to Yogyakarta at september 2nd - 3rd 2013, I took them to Prambanan Temple, Sultan Palace, malioboro, Borobudur temple. They do like yogyakarta tour driver and appreciate everything our assist to them.
In malioboro they want to stop and walking to enjoy malioboro, then I informed if I will wait behind the church near President Palace, unfortunatelly they straight go to Sultan Palace ! Offcourse I couldn't find them. But lucky me because my friend saw then and contact me....
so, one of travel tips  "it is important to have Indonesian cellular phone number, or you have driver phone number for in case any trouble.."
New Indonesian simcard for cellular was very cheap, you can buy from IDR 5 K - 50 K included prepaid top up.

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