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Thursday, 6 February 2014

What to do in Yogyakarta

Things to do in yogyakarta. As a foreign citizen who has never been to Yogyakarta, Indonesia ofcourse you will learn through a variety of sources that you trust to answer what to do in yogyakarta. The source can be through books in a bookstore in your city, via the internet, through friends or relatives who have been to Yogyakarta, and the last to make the resume itself from a variety of sources including discussions with the tour operators in Yogyakarta online.
What to do in yogyakarta. For us, the above steps are pre-planning steps. In the planning step phase, we suggest you make communicate with tour operators to make your travel plans are truly in accordance with the conditions in last news of Yogyakarta ( up to date ), a book or e-mail sometimes does not update. But we as a tour operator to observe the entire course of our tour guests are doing updates from day to day.
You can choose the quality of tour operator with many ways, starting from their English sentences in email, their post, their fluent in English speaking, easyer to contact also with cellular contact, quick or late respons, their solutions, their opinion regarding your plans, their price and facility, and also their recommendation that they got. 

Tourist destinations that we recommend for you for answering places in what to do in yogyakarta :
a ) Ancient Historical
     > Borobudur Temple
     > Mendur Temple and Temple Pawon
     > Prambanan Temple also Sewu Temple
     > Ratu Boko Temple ( usually for sunset )
     > Sambisari Temple
     > Arjuna Temple Complex at Dieng
     > Ceto Temple
     > Sukuh Temple

b ) Cultural
     > Yogyakarta Sultan Palace
     > Watercastle Castle
     > Solo Palace
     > Royal Carriage Museum
     > Sonobudoyo
     > Traditional Old Market " Beringharjo "
     > Ramayana Ballet ( Yogyakarta has 2 places - same quality ballet dance )
     > Sekar Kedaton Building - at Kotagede

c ) Adventure Tours - all with their proffesional save your
     > Mount.Merapi Tours - with you hire a jeep adventure
     > Pindul Cave Tubbing
     > Kalisuci Cave Tubbing
     > Jomblang Cave
     > Sri Gethuk Waterfall
     > Cemoro Sewu Waterfall

d ) Beach and scenery views
     > Borobudur sunrise by Manohara hotel at 4.30 AM
     > Borobudur sunrise by Punthuk Setumbu Hill 4.30 AM then go in to Borobudur temple at 6 AM
     > Parangtritis Beach
     > Baron Beach
     > Indrayanti Beach
     > Tea Plantation at around Ceto Temple

e ) Galleries , wholesaller
     > Batik Mrs. Agus
     > Batik Tirtonoto
     > Wayang Kulit ( Leather Puppet )
     > ANSOR Silver or HS Silver
     > Chocolate factory "MONGGO"

f ) Culinary
     > gudeg
     > Satay klathak
     > Java or Java Fried Noodle Fried Rice
     > others

We try to put all tourism places and place interest even in short telling story but I hope it's worthed to help you to answer what to do in Yogyakarta. Anyway you can aslo ask us about places that you mentioned before. You are our guest, means Indonesian guest, we will do the best we can for make your travelling enjoy, happy, fun, save, and competitive price with best quality services.

"I really appreciate you as a guest of Yogyakarta, so if you agree to use our services in terms of transportation while in Yogyakarta, we DO NOT require you to pay a deposit (down payment) as a sign confirmed that might you un-comfortable. I quite believe with your confirm letter (deal) as you wrote in your email that sent to me"

"and if you want me myself who take you as your tour guide driver, please you contact me soonest (book me around 3 weeks earlier) and give a note about that into your email"

Anyway for any inquiries, please contact me soon by email to : aswoto69(at)gmail.com.

Atok (Aswoto)

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