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Sunday, 20 November 2016


Borobudur Village Tours. Get Borobudur sunrise tour and continue to village fun adventure tours surround Borobudur temple. We have 2 program of Borobudur Village Tours based on the transport you can choose : bicycle or use horse carriage.  Our tour company "Abhisekatour", always provide excellent tour packages for you, because your holiday time was do valuable. We have several excellent tours like (click) : Bali toursExcellent Ground tour for Cruise passangersMt.Bromo & Ijen Crater tours. You may choose/hire us to take your tours at Borobudur, Yogyakarta, Mt.Bromo, Ijen crater, Bali Island, Lombok Island.
Borobudur village tours. In borobudur village tours trip you can feel the adrenaline rising up when you climb up to the 100 meters up route and downhill track. The guide will show you the exotic & shaky 12 meters bridge made of bamboos. Borobudur village tours have fantantic landscape, the tour provides a thrill from the moment you pass the rice and vegetables plantation

borobudur village tours
borobudur village tours using bicycle
Borobudur cycling tour. We offer you to enjoying the natural beauty of countryside and rice fields in the foothills incise with old-fashioned bicycle, sport bike, or horse carriage that would be very interesting experience. Borobudur fun adventure tourism using bicycle along the countryside to visit the tourist village around Borobudur  temple like Klipoh village, Wanurejo village, Candirejo village and Tuk Songo village. 
Borobudur village tours. These apart cycling tour along the trail in the countryside and rice fields in the hills incise also see many village economic activity like : handycrafts centre, pottery, batik cloth, batik wood, manufacture of java sugar as well as visit some art galleries in the tourist area around the temple of Borobudur. Besides the cycling tour also stopped at Mendut temple, and  Pawon temple.

borobudur village tours
borobudur village tours
Borobudur village cycling tour. By taking a Borobudur cycling tour program, you will be able to see the natural beauty of the villages in Indonesia, enjoying the hospitality of the villagers, and cyling at Borobudur village will make a kind experience that worth to you to tell in your origin country. We also provide special village snacks/food for you, village herb drink, so you won’t  just saw the beauty of our  nature village but also enjoying the taste of culinary village.

yogyakarta driver ATOK
cycling tour
Borobudur village tours. Borobudur village tours (cycling/horse carriage) will start after you finished from Borobudur sunrise, wheter you stay at hotel around Borobudur or at Yogyakarta city centre. You just need to contact us for Borobudur Excellent Cycling Tour by send us email or send us news using wechatt ID/whatsapp +6281329478187. You may follow IG (Instagram) @abhisekatour.

Borobudur village tours. During cycling around the village of Borobudur, you will be accompanied by one tour guide who use bicycle too, and mechanical team (as well as first aid to the minor cycling accident). Fun and save was our main concern during take a good care of you. Wherever your hotel, make an excellent tours with us.

borobudur village tours
borobudur village tours
borobudur village activity
borobudur village activity
borobudur village tours
borobudur pottery maker village


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