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Monday, 24 September 2018


Selogriyo temple a small temple at beautiful landscape. Selogriyo Temple located on a nice hill with a very beautiful stretch of rice field. The stretch of rice fields in Selogriyo, is not inferior to Jatiluwih Bali, which you can enjoy when visiting Selogriyo temple. Visiting to the Selogriyo temple is ideal after Borobudur Sunrise, and do some trekking at rice field before reach Selogriyo temple.

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Parts of ruins of Selogriyo temple

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Parts of ruins of Selogriyo temple
Selogriyo temple. Selogriyo temple was the Classical Indonesian Architecture with Hindu background is facing east. On the four sides of the walls of the temple building there are five niches where statues of the embodiment of the gods are displayed. These statues are Durga Mahisasuramardini (north wall), Ganesha (west wall), Agastya (south wall), and Nandiswara and Mahakala (east wall). One of the special features of this temple without perwara is its peak which is in the form of keben fruit. The summit is called amalaka.

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Selogriyo temple board

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Selogriyo Gate
Selogriyo Temple is located on the eastern slope of the three hills, Condong Hill, Giyanti Hill, and Malang Hill, in the village of Campur Rejo, Windusari, Magelang Regency. Selogriyo Temple is a relic of the Hindu era around the 8th century which, among others, marked the direction of the door to the East, there is a statue of Ganesha, Durga, Agastya in the temple. This temple is found in a collapsed state and reconstructed into a form like today. Selogriyo Temple, which is said to be a relic of the Sanjaya dynasty in the 8th century. Selogriyo temple was built on the top of Selogriyo Hill at the same time as the temple in the Dieng plateau. 

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 Selogriyo rice field

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Selogriyo rice field

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Selogriyo rice fields 
Selogriyo temple. Please soonest you make your tour plan at Yogyakarta or other city, and perhaps want to visit Selogriyo temple. Contact us to assist your tour plan with fill contact form above, and mention also your whatsapp phone number to make faster communication.

Yogyakarta driver. We will do happy to take you at yogyakarta, also visit Selogriyo temple. Our yogyakarta driver not just a driver, we will inform you, explain to you whatever you asked to during tour.

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